Hello! I am Timofei Shatrov aka Grue. Here is just some cool data that
you may want to see.
You can visit my software site: Bugsoft
If you have comments about things below write in this Guestbook.
Contents: Interactive Fiction, ADOM related stuff, ASCII-art.
My only English game: ROOM (75 kb) - you need Z-machine
interpreter to run it. Search one for your platform here.
It'll grow into a bigger game after some time.
ADOM is roguelike game which is very cool.
My ADOM filks
What is filk?
:filk: /filk/ /n.,v./ [from SF fandom, where a typo for `folk' was adopted as a new word] A popular or folk song with lyrics revised or completely new lyrics, intended for humorous effect when read, and/or to be sung late at night at SF conventions. There is a flourishing subgenre of these called `computer filks', written by hackers and often containing rather sophisticated technical humor. See {double bucky} for an example. Compare {grilf}, {hing} and {newsfroup}."
Ancardian National Anthem - to the tune of Russian
Not a bastard - about troll.
Come out swinging - this one about AF-scumming. Ratlings
are joke. They protect the environment and walk in AF with lanterns.
Papyrus scroll - Rehetep sends letters to Player.
Without any response. Do you remember that Eminem song?
Wota - really stupid hero in Water temple.
Ego-items - the first ADOM v.1.0.0 filk. "Ego-items
cool, Ego-items rule" thing.
Imagine - "and corrupted will be thee...'
Mike Throll and The Ancient Magick
Mike Throll and The Alien Invaders
Mike Throll and The Anti-Mikers
The Return of Mike Throll 3 (1/2)
The Return of Mike Throll 3 (2/2)
Other ASCII-art